Profile PictureLeahCim

The Idiots Guide To White Men - Book

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The initial profile for a sociopath is an upper middle class American white man between the ages of 35 and 45. That was the initial demographic. In the early 2000's, I came to a basic premise that westernization was breeding sociopathic tendencies and that the narrow demographic profile of that trait would soon be blown.

Today we see white men taking heat like they never have before and the response has been interesting. What is beautiful is how much more emotional inquiry there is from this group, simply out of necessity. Eye contact, more listening, more inquiring and less filibuster like talking which is synonymous with American Baby Boomer trope.

I could get into a bunch of damning stats about white men that may shock but probably won't surprise you. It has been very well documented how are patriarchal system has affected our culture at large, particularly women and non white cultures.

 What is rarely discussed is how adversely white men have been affected by our patriarchal system. In my opinion that is a discussion that has been avoided at all cost and we are seeing the costs now.  Consider that he emotional abuse and damage, quietly endured by White Western men for generations may be the very seed of those sociopathic tendencies, now just associated with White Western character. Looking at the why is a perspective necessary to consider.

Privilege leaves one ignorant. So ignorant that you believe the privilege that was sold you. The only road to that valley is the endured abuse of trauma. With no foundation, it can turn you. Take away all foundation and you don't even notice. Then doing what wad done to you becomes second nature


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The Idiots Guide To White Men - Book

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